Entering a New Timeline with Grace for Self & Others

As we move through life and become more conscious of our personal growth and evolution, we are often met with some very harsh and challenging situations. They can look like relationships ending, family illness and death, or even harsh judgments from those you love dearest. Whatever the challenge may be, we must innerstand that the experiences we endure are deep lessons that signal a new level or timeline along our unique evolutionary path. 

As we traverse these new paths, we must do so with a lot of grace especially for our selves.  

I’m the first to admit to being my own harshest critic; however, along this metaphysical journey, I’ve learned how utterly useless that perspective can be. Harshly judging my self actually does more harm than good. And the same goes for you. When you learn how to step out of your own judgement seat into a space of grace for your self, you’ll experience the beautiful healing power that enables you to achieve resolutions you never imagined possible. And even greater, you can extend greater love and grace to others. 

Have a listen to this very special solo episode where I share my own personal experiences that have informed my new evolutionary timeline full of grace for self and ultimately, grace for so many others. 


Connect with Erin Patten:  

Website: themetabusiness.world 

Email: info@erinpatten.com 

Instagram: @iamerinpatten 

Podcast IG: @themetabusinessmillennialpodcast 

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/iamerinpatten 

YouTube: youtube.com/@iamerinpatten 




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